Children's Ministries - KidZone

What To Expect On A Sunday Morning
On a typical Sunday Morning, kids ages 4 years - 5th grade:
- If you're new, see a seating usher to register your child to participate in Kid Zone.
- Begin the service in the sanctuary with your family for worship through song
- Kids are dismissed to follow the Kid Zone teachers to their classrooms before
the message - Kid Zone begins with songs, games, and prayer activities
- Break into age-appropriate groups for Bible teaching and application
Equipping a New Generation to Know God
We have a passion to see children follow Jesus every day. Our children's ministry is rooted in the concept that learning to follow Jesus must engage the imagination and hearts
of children. We offer an exciting learning and worship experience designed for young children.Have questions? Get in touch with us @ Let's Connect.
of children. We offer an exciting learning and worship experience designed for young children.Have questions? Get in touch with us @ Let's Connect.
Children's Ministry - Nursery
Cornerstone provides a safe, fun, and nurturing environment for babies and toddlers (4 months through 3 years) during our Sunday worship gathering.
As you enter through our main doors and into our church lobby, the nursery is located down the left (north) hallway where you can easily check your child(ren) in to our secure nursery - staffed with approved volunteers that are screened, background checked, and trained to provide safe and loving care to your little one(s).