Impact / Giving
Our goal is to be a church marked by radical generosity. Knowing God has blessed us in so many ways and believing grateful people are generous people, we want to give faithfully and generously towards the work of the gospel.
- Text GIVE and the amount to 262-425-5340 on your smart phone. For example GIVE $200 to 262-425-5340.
- Once the text is sent, you will receive a confirmation message.
- Click the link in the confirmation message to access the payment form.
- Complete the payment form, when finished, click Donate.
- You will receive a receipt by text and email.
- Your payment information is saved for future gifts.
- Helpful tip - set up a phone contact with the Text2Give phone number (e.g. CCGive) for easy call-up for your next offering.
Place your check or cash offering inside a giving envelope, and place the completed giving envelope in one of the drop boxes located on the back wall of our sanctuary.
Checks can be mailed to:
Cornerstone Church, 1187 Falls Rd., Grafton, WI 53024.
Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) giving is a fast, secure and convenient way to give your tithes and offerings on a systematic, scheduled basis. You decide how much and how often and your bank will automatically withdraw the funds from your designated checking or savings account. This method of giving has the lowest cost to the church without the transaction fees associated with text and online giving. Click the link EFT Giving to get started.