All God's people are called by God to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. For most people this means reaching out in their neighborhoods, school and workplace. Others are called outside their local community to impact people around the world - part of fulfilling our mission at Cornerstone to obey Jesus' command to "go and make disciples of all nations," is to partner with others who are making a significant impact around the world.

The Nelsons (Serving with Christar in England)
As a church, we support the Nelsons who serve full-time in the mission field abroad.
The Nelsons have been serving in England since 2002. Brian & Patti have been serving the unreached people group of Gujarati Indians living in London. They are especially suited for this having previously served for 13 years in North India. Brian and Patti also provide leadership and shepherding care to other missionaries who are living and ministering to Asians in Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

Association of Related Churches (ARC)
Cornerstone supports ARC in its work of identifying and resourcing church planters and
church leaders in starting and supporting new church plants.
Today, some of ARC’s church plants have become the largest and fastest-growing churches
in the America. Thousands of people make decisions to follow Christ in ARC church plants
every year. Having planted over 900 churches, and with hundreds more partner churches,
ARC has become not only a movement, but a collective effort among many churches
- all with a focus to see life-giving churches in every community in the world.

Loving Our Neighbor
When we began Love In Motion (LIM) it started with a simple challenge: give just $10 a month above your normal giving and take part in sharing the love of Jesus through underwriting worthwhile ministries that are bringing practical help to hurting people.
So we’ve given LIM monies to such deserving groups as Crisis Aid International (see below), Care Net (who help women with unplanned pregnancies), Milwaukee Adult/Teen Challenge, Missions to Military, relief for Ukraine and many other great ministries.
As each person does their part, our combined giving goes a long way in sharing the love of Jesus with those in particularly desperate need. How it works: every several months, a life-changing, Jesus-centered ministry is selected and when a meaningful amount has come in, we give a special offering to that organization.